School buses are not generally viewed as hazardous or dangerous vehicles. Yet the buses’ non-threatening aspect can be their greatest danger. A school bus-pedestrian accident in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago may have been the result of either the pedestrian or the bus driver failing to pay attention to their surroundings.
The bus was headed north on Vincennes Avenue at about 5:30 p.m. when it began to make a right turn onto to east-bound 85th Street. The 14-year old victim was apparently in the 85th Street crosswalk when she was struck by the turning bus. According to police, her injuries were not serious. She was taken by ambulance to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Law, where her condition was reported as good. The bus driver was given a citation for failing to yield the right-of-way to a person in a crosswalk.
Many details of the accident have not been released to the public. The exact extent of the victim’s injuries is unknown. Where in the crosswalk was she when the bus hit her? Did she see the bus before it struck her? How fast was the bus traveling? What were the road and weather conditions? Was the victim wearing dark clothing that was hard to see in the twilight? Was the bus driver impaired by drugs or alcohol?
If the victim and her family are contemplating bringing a lawsuit for damages based upon the bus driver’s negligence, these questions must all be answered. Anyone who has been injured or lost a loved one in a similar accident may benefit from a consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney for advice on the evidence, the medical evidence, and the likelihood of a jury verdict awarding damages.