An individual has sadly been killed in a motor vehicle collision in Chicago. In addition, another individual has suffered injuries in the wreck, which occurred early in the morning on a recent Friday. These kinds of wrecks can easily happen as the result of a driver’s negligence, which can be grounds for litigation.
How the accident occurred
The tragic crash took place at a little past 2:30 a.m. According to police, a man was driving south along an avenue and suddenly struck a car that was going east on another road. The man’s car then reportedly hit a pedestrian who was in the street at the time. Police said the man’s automobile finally struck a nearby building.
The pedestrian ended up passing away in the crash. Meanwhile, the driver of the car was transported to a medical center, where his condition was deemed good. Authorities said they planned to cite the male driver in connection with the accident.
How an attorney can help
The surviving loved ones of the pedestrian who died in the Illinois crash might choose to file a wrongful death claim against the male driver, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. The man’s citation may be presented in civil court with the goal of establishing liability, which must be achieved before a judge will decide the claim for damages. If the pedestrian’s family members are successful, they may receive financial damages to cover their loved one’s funeral costs and other losses resulting from the crash, such as the loss of support for any surviving dependents.