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What to know about traumatic brain injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2023 | Personal Injury |

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBI), like concussions, result from blows to the head or jolts to the body. According to the CDC, 223,135 hospitalizations occurred from traumatic brain injuries in 2020. However, there are likely many TBIs that go untreated.

Understanding the symptoms and consequences of TBIs is essential for anyone who uses a motor vehicle or pursues an active lifestyle. TBIs can result in many symptoms, including headaches, confusion, memory loss and difficulty concentrating.

You might experience delayed symptoms

TBI symptoms may not always appear immediately after an accident. They can sometimes take several days or even weeks to surface. It is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of these injuries and to monitor yourself or the injured person for any changes.

Recovery takes time, with no guarantees

Recovery from a concussion or TBI can take time. Most people will recover fully, but some may experience long-term effects, such as chronic headaches or difficulty with memory and concentration. In severe cases, a TBI can result in permanent disability or even death.

It is also important to note that repeated or severe traumatic brain injuries can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive degenerative brain disease. CTE is a serious and potentially fatal condition found in the brains of athletes and military veterans who have had repeated head trauma.

To prevent concussions and TBIs, always wear a helmet when participating in activities with a risk of head injuries, such as biking or riding a motorcycle. It is also essential to wear seat belts and other safety gear when driving or riding in a vehicle and to be aware of your surroundings to avoid accidents.
