Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Chicago
If you have been injured at work, no matter whose fault it is, you are entitled to worker’s compensation. This means the employer must pay for (1) all reasonable and necessary medical care; (2) your time off work; and (3) an award for the injury itself. Workers’ compensation covers any type of injury and any type of work when you are an employee. This is a no-fault system of benefits paid by an employer to workers who experience job-related injuries or diseases. The types of injuries that are covered are those caused by accidents or by repetitive movement. If you’ve been injured on a construction site or any other job site, you may be entitled to damages for medical expenses and lost wages.
Hurt On The Job? Protect Your Rights.
In Chicago, Berg & Berg can assess your case, explain which steps you’re required to take and help you determine how to move forward. Our attorneys will do everything in their power to secure the settlement that you deserve.
What You Can Expect In a Workers’ Comp Case

By law, most employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance. Since workers’ compensation cases are no-fault, it does not matter whether or not the employer was being negligent at the time of injury. The court system for workers’ compensation cases is operated by the IWCC.
Once your employer reports the accident to its insurance company, a claims adjuster will take over the case and determine whether the insurance is going to pay benefits. If the case becomes complicated or is scheduled for a court hearing, the insurance company will hire an attorney. Berg & Berg will negotiate on your behalf with the claims adjuster and the opposing counsel.
It’s important to remember that the trial in a workers’ compensation case is much like any other trial. Please keep all items of evidentiary value like costs, bills, and photograph the various stages of your injury and recovery.
We Can Help With Your Workers’ Compensation Case
If you or a loved one was hurt at work, it’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. For a free consultation, call our Chicago office at 773-596-6654.